[Soc-coordination] Voting mechanism clarifications

Obey Arthur Liu arthur at milliways.fr
Thu Apr 15 20:40:44 UTC 2010

Hi mentors,

It appears that my explanation of our scoring and ranking system has
not been very clear.
Please score projects between 1 (abysmal) and 10 (omg awesome!!11) and
if you want to abstain, do not score or make sure your total is 0.
The ranking will be established by using the average of non-zero
scores. This is to compensate the effect that some proposals get undue
bonus for just being scored by more mentors, regardless of the scoring
of individual mentors.
I have a spreadsheet showing the individual scoring matrix and
resulting ranking, pass by #debian-soc-mentors to see it.

There might be a meeting on Sunday to decide on the final ranking and
give you a last chance to speak if you strongly disagree with the
ranking of particular projects. More details to come if necessary.



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