[Soc-coordination] Weekly Report 10 - OpenRC init system in Debian

Bill Wang freecnpro at gmail.com
Fri Aug 23 13:20:43 UTC 2013

Hi everyone,

I'm very happy that send to you this week report. :-)

Summary for i have done:
-- Tried to get a solution that use /lib/lsb/init-functions replace
modify /etc/init.d/* shebang.
Add file 30-openrc in /lib/lsb/init-functions.s/ call /sbin/runscript to
execution the script
service, rather than change original script.

-- Due to OpenRC's lockfd mechanism causing all services can not start
use this method.
We can manually start a service, because of it does not use lockfd
But we can not boot up, all services will be in exclusive state. I don't
know what happend,
it seems that this service is locked, when other child process needs to
know the fd can not
unlock it.
-- Some scripts services have not call /lib/lsb/init-functions, but i
think this is very easy to solve.

Planning for next time:
-- We must be resolved this issue about OpenRC's lockfd mechanism.
Found that the problem lies and get a solution to resolve it, or disable
this mechanism.
-- If this issue was perfect resolve, we will submit the test package
get more suggestion and
criticism feedback.
-- Perhaps mentors have other requirements.



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