[Soc-coordination] Status report, week 6 - Enabling free multimedia real-time communications (RTC) with Debian

Catalin Usurelu catalin.usurelu5 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 27 09:17:01 UTC 2013


Sorry for the late report, I had some problems testing the code and
wanted to make sure everything is fine. Unfortunately I lost quite a bit
of time testing reConServer because it crashes when enabling audio and I
couldn't find the exact cause of the problem. I also had trouble
building the original recon user agent tester (basically the reConServer
tied to resiprocate - I needed it to get more info on the cause of the
crash) because build issues with sipXtapi and spend the past day trying
to fix it. So I'm still not sure what the problem is.

What I managed to do this week:
- added support for separate udp and tcp port usage for SIP messaging to
- fixed an oversight for the past week's daemonizing patch
- some code refactoring 
- because of daemonizing support, reConServer can't read command from
the keyboard so I added support for asynchronous reading from a socket
using asio (I have to fix a design issue, but should be finished today).

I hope to find the source of the reConServer crash this weekend and for
next week I still need to discuss with my mentor on how to proceed since
this week didn't go as planned.

Kind regards,

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