[Soc-coordination] [Final Report] scan-build the debian archive
Léo Cavaillé
leo+debian at cavaille.net
Mon Sep 23 20:55:15 UTC 2013
Hello dear mentors, students, GSOC admins...
I am glad to make this final report, concluding a very happy and
productive GSOC !
What I have done during my summer :
Implement a platform to run all kind of checks on debian packages, using
firehose (XML) format to have a unified database of all potential
"problems" on packages.. You can checkout the platform which is still
under heavy development by Paul Tagliamonte, Sylvestre Ledru and myself
in terms of UI, architecture [1][2]...
There is a daemon using fedmsg (thanks Simon !) to lurk the archive and
upload the new packages directly to the platform for test.
Of course the platform implements what was my first goal : be able to
scan-build (run clang Objective C/C/C++) any given Debian package [3][4][5].
Two branches of the debile platform :
[1] http://debile.ecranbleu.org/
[2] http://debile.debian.net/
[3] http://debile.ecranbleu.org/source/fred/latex2rtf/2.3.3-0.3/1
[4] http://debile.ecranbleu.org/static-job-reports/178/scan-build/
[5] http://debile.ecranbleu.org/source/fred/resiprocate/1.8.12-4/1
(clanganalyzer->see HTML report)
Code repository (pkg-debile on git.debian.org)
This week :
I mostly took some time to investigate all the bugs already filed for
the debile platform. Some bugs are really painful as they sometimes make
the daemons hang. I have been maintaining the two instances of debile up
[1][2] as Paul and Sylvestre are working on it.
I made also time to think about all the improvements and ideas about the
future development of the platform, give some feedback to Paul for instance.
Desperately I haven't had as much time as I wanted this week :-( but I
will keep on working hard on this project, try to make it become
something really valuable in the Debian QA process, useful for Debian
contributors but also for upstream.
Last but not least, I would like to thank the Debian community. I have
used debian for years now, and I always wanted to contribute but never
really knew where to start : here came the GSOC. From the very first day
I started to work with Debian contributors, I felt at home and met some
really nice friends. Oh.. I forgot to mention this ridiculous amount of
cheese offered during the debconf, and the awesome hack nights with
debianists on my gsoc project. Debian ROCKS :-) !
See you around !
Happy Debian GSOC student
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