[Soc-coordination] [GSoC 2014] Improve Debian port on mips/mipsel: Progress report

Plamen Aleksandrov plamen at aomeda.com
Fri Jul 11 17:15:55 UTC 2014

This week I created a patch for percona-xtradb-cluster-5.5. The problem with this package was that under MIPS, the atomicity of some operations is not guaranteed and so an alternative implementation with a mutex is used. The compiler complained because the code was trying to change a variable (the mutex) from a const method in a class. I reported the problem and uploaded the patch. The package took very long time to compile. This patch should also fix the compilation on several other platforms.


I also worked on the package cde. It uses several types from the standard library glibc that are not supported on MIPS (like struct user_regs_struct). For this reason it can not be compiled on MIPS.

I am still working on litecoin but I have some problems with it and I am still not able to compile it on MIPS.

I am also working on several other packages - ghdl, libtext-kakasi-perl and liblucy-perl. Testing is hard because each compilation takes a lot of time.

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