[Soc-coordination] GSOC 2015 Week 4: Coinstallable PHP Versions

Murukesh Mohanan murukesh.mohanan at gmail.com
Sun Jun 21 20:19:10 UTC 2015

Before removing conflicts in PHP packages, we decided that it would better
to simplify the current `debian/rules`.  At present, `debian/rules`
contains a manual walk-through over most of the steps given in
https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/dreq.en.html#rules, so that
at least part of it can be replaced by the newer `dh_*` commands. In some
cases, steps that were done manually have been incorporated into the `dh`
commands. Examples:

- Manually linking `usr/share/doc/<package>` to `usr/share/php5-common`, a
  feature which has since been added to `dh_installdocs`
- Adding `-s` to many `dh_` commands in `binary-arch` is now automatically
  done by `dh`.

Taking advantage of this would need shifting around some actions, but I
feel  the simplification is worth it.

My first attempt was to rewrite it from scratch. This was a spectacular
failure, as testing changes proved impossible. The second attempt,
carefully replacing commands in incremental changes, proved more
successful. In the coming week, I'll be shifting around files to eliminate
conflicts, and creating 5.X-named packages.


Murukesh Mohanan,
IIT Bombay,
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