[tryton-debian] Best practice: exclude generated ‘foo.egg-info’ files from source and VCS (was: Best practice: .egg-info with pybuild from git)
Mathias Behrle
mathiasb at m9s.biz
Fri Nov 22 12:54:14 UTC 2013
* Ben Finney: " Best practice: exclude generated ‘foo.egg-info’ files from
source and VCS (was: Best practice: .egg-info with pybuild from git)" (Fri,
22 Nov 2013 11:35:11 +1100):
@Ben: apologies, first mail was sent to your mail address instead of the group
> Piotr Ożarowski <piotr at debian.org> writes:
> > I think Mathias is asking about how to tell git that it should ignore
> > these files as well. IMO you should ask upstream to not ship these
> > files in git repo/tarballs or remove them in the first commit after
> > each merge with upstream.
> Yes, the best course is to convince upstream to ship proper source
> tarballs, instead of bundling generated non-source files in the source
> tarball.
To be more precise: I am packaging from release tarballs published on
downloads.tryton.org resp. pypi [1]. Those tarballs are created with the
standard command
$ python setup.py sdist
So upstream is shipping proper source tarballs (in a way;), the inclusion of
generated non-source files comes from setuptools. It doesn't happen when using
distutils, but I don't think I will have success, if I wanted upstream to
change the working setup from the de-facto standard setuptools to distutils
> In the long term, the solution includes educating upstream not to put
> non-source files like the ‘foo.egg-info’ directory into the VCS. Files
> that need to be generated should be generated when creating the release
> tarballs, not tracked in VCS.
Stated above, they are not in VCS, they are created when generating the release
Thanks to all for your input so far.
[1] https://pypi.python.org/pypi?%3Aaction=search&term=tryton&submit=search
[3] http://lucumr.pocoo.org/2012/6/22/hate-hate-hate-everywhere/
Mathias Behrle
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