[tryton-debian] tarball compression
Mathias Behrle
mathiasb at m9s.biz
Thu Jan 30 17:48:22 UTC 2014
* Raphael Hertzog: " Re: [tryton-debian] tarball compression" (Wed, 29 Jan 2014
17:18:08 +0100):
> On Wed, 29 Jan 2014, Mathias Behrle wrote:
> > > > Upstream uses python standards and setuptools misses this feature.
> > >
> > > Nothing that can't be fixed, isn't it?
> >
> > I don't get your notion here how to fix?
> Someone can surely contribute XZ support to setuptools, no? I'm not saying
> you should do this but my point was that it was possible to fix things
> at the correct layer, instead of working around it at the Debian level.
Agreed. But sometimes you are better off to use some better approach than to
wait for a slow upstream.
> > > Don't revert for current packages. Just start using pristine upstream
> > > tarballs for every new upstream version that you package.
> >
> > I will use it for Tryton 3.2 to have a clean cut. For the (non-official)
> > backports I won't change my tool chain.
> >
> > > Out of curiosity, what are those changes ? What's the workflow that you
> > > are using ?
> >
> > I am using more or less the git stuff workflow [1][2].
> What does it bring compared to equivalent tools (that are in more
> widespread use) in git-buildpackage ?
Generally it is much less bloated than git-buildpackage. The usage count is not
a strong parameter for quality. Remember: there are more Windows users than
Debian users. It just gives me the tools and flexibility I need.
> I looked at
> file:///usr/share/doc/git-stuff/packaging-workflow-with-git-stuff.html and
> it seems to me that git-upstream-* is similar to git-import-orig (except
> that it diverges uselessly on some points, so that git-buildpackage fails
> to identify the correct orig.tar if you don't specify the right
> --git-compression...).
git-stuff utilities are just more flexible on this point.
> git-checkout-branches is replaced by gbp-clone/gbp-pull
No. git-checkout-branches is meant to check out all remote branches.
> and git-debian-changelog by git-dch.
It is a wrapper over git-dch.
> BTW, it would be nice if you could add debian/gbp.conf in all the
> repositories setting debian-branch=debian so that I don't have to remember
> it.
It is on my TODO list and I am still pondering (for me it is (until now) not the
preferred build tool).
I would propose gbp.conf to contain:
debian-branch = debian
pristine-tar = True
export-dir = ../build-area/
ignore-new = True
# Use this for orig.tar.xz tarballs, subject to change in the future
compression = xz
Does this meet your expectations?
Mathias Behrle
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