[tryton-debian] custom modules
Vincent Bastos
vincent at lavalab.com.au
Tue Oct 27 20:36:48 UTC 2015
On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 6:53 PM, Mathias Behrle <mathiasb at m9s.biz> wrote:
> * Vincent Bastos: " [tryton-debian] custom modules" (Sun, 25 Oct 2015
> 17:47:22
> +1000):
> > I was wondering what method is used to install custom modules.
> The ITP and packaging of the custom module will start as soon as it will be
> released.
Sorry, I didn't mean custom for import/export, but custom/private module.
What does ITP mean?
> > The method I was using is simply running the following inside my
> repository:
> >
> > >sudo python setup.py install
> Just out of interest: does it work? Usually Debian packages and local
> Python
> packages should be able to coexist. I tested this some time ago, but would
> like
> to know, if you can confirm that.
I just tried it. It installed properly but when I open the database in the
tryton client and try to open the list of module I get the following error:
OError: File not found : /dist-packages/trytond/modules/mail/tryton.cfg
Not sure what is happening here.
> > I suppose you are going to suggest creating a debian package or even a
> > python package.
> Indeed that is the prefered way. As the customs module will be packaged
> soon,
> you can wait for it or just use another module as boilerplate and adapt it
> accordingly, if you need it very soon. Please keep in mind, that the
> customs
> module will be included for version 3.8 (in all supported Debian
> releases). If
> you intend to use it for some earlier version (<3.8), you would have to
> backport
> and build it yourself.
> --
> Mathias Behrle
> PGP/GnuPG key availabable from any keyserver, ID: 0x8405BBF6
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*Vincent Bastos*
*Lava Lab Software*
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