[tryton-debian] webdav in 4.4
Jean-Christophe Michel
jc.michel at symetrie.com
Sun Jul 9 13:36:12 UTC 2017
Hi Mathias,
Le 9 juil. 2017 à 13:34, Mathias Behrle <mathiasb at m9s.biz> a écrit :
> * Jean-Christophe Michel: " [tryton-debian] webdav in 4.4" (Sun, 9 Jul 2017
> 12:20:50 +0200):
> Hello Jean-Christophe,
>> Hi Mathias,
>> I upgraded to 4.4 with debian packages.
>> 1. I am surprised that the file /etc/init.d/tryton-server-webdav is not
>> destroyed on update:
> Did you do
> $ sudo apt-get purge tryton-modules-webdav tryton-modules-calendar \
> tryton-modules-calendar-scheduling tryton-modules-calendar-todo \
> tryton-modules-calendar-classification tryton-modules-party-vcarddav
> as suggested in NEWS.
> This message should have been displayed to you in the upgrade process.
Maybe I missed it. I had only tryton-modules-webdav that needed to be purged.
>> webdav server doesn’t work anymore if I undestand
>> correctly the changelog for 4.4 2. I cannot connect anymore from the client
>> GTK (from Mac), though it connects correctly to demo4.4.tryton.org. I cannot
>> find a client log to know what it does and server log shows nothing. But I
>> can work with sao on the same address. Maybe it’s not related to the 4.4
>> update.
> You are on which Debian distribution? Could you provide some more details on
> your specific setup?
jessie, jessie-updates and
jessie-4.4.list :
deb http://debian.tryton.org/debian/ jessie-4.4 main
# sao needs at least libjs-jquery >= 1.11.3+dfsg-4~bpo8+1
deb http://http.debian.net/debian jessie-backports main
running in a LXC container on a jessie server
LXC networking is not easy but connections work from my browser client (sao), so I didn’t suspect the network.
I enabled debug loggin on this server. Where loading the login page from the browser, I can see those lines in log:
Sun Jul 09 13:30:27 2017] INFO:trytond.backend.postgresql.database:connect to "template1"
Sun Jul 09 13:30:27 2017] DEBUG:trytond.backend.postgresql.database:SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datistemplate = false ORDER BY datname
Sun Jul 09 13:30:27 2017] INFO:werkzeug: - - [09/Jul/2017 13:30:27] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
No line when trying to connect to server in the Profile Editor of the Desktop client.
Jean-Christophe Michel
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