[tryton-debian] webdav in 4.4
Mathias Behrle
mathiasb at m9s.biz
Mon Jul 10 09:38:18 UTC 2017
* Jean-Christophe Michel: " Re: [tryton-debian] webdav in 4.4" (Sun, 9 Jul 2017
15:36:12 +0200):
Hello Jean-Christophe,
>>> I cannot connect anymore from the client
>>> GTK (from Mac), though it connects correctly to demo4.4.tryton.org. I
>>> cannot find a client log to know what it does and server log shows
>>> nothing. But I can work with sao on the same address. Maybe it’s not
>>> related to the 4.4 update.
>> You are on which Debian distribution? Could you provide some more details on
>> your specific setup?
> jessie, jessie-updates and
> jessie-4.4.list :
> deb http://debian.tryton.org/debian/ jessie-4.4 main
> # sao needs at least libjs-jquery >= 1.11.3+dfsg-4~bpo8+1
> deb http://http.debian.net/debian jessie-backports main
> running in a LXC container on a jessie server
> LXC networking is not easy but connections work from my browser client (sao),
> so I didn’t suspect the network.
So you can connect to sao on the LXC container? That at least shows, that the
server is up and accepting requests from the network. Does sao (i.e. the web
client) show you a selection of databases?
> I enabled debug loggin on this server. Where loading the login page from the
> browser, I can see those lines in log: Sun Jul 09 13:30:27 2017]
> INFO:trytond.backend.postgresql.database:connect to "template1" Sun Jul 09
> 13:30:27 2017] DEBUG:trytond.backend.postgresql.database:SELECT datname FROM
> pg_database WHERE datistemplate = false ORDER BY datname Sun Jul 09 13:30:27
> 2017] INFO:werkzeug: - - [09/Jul/2017 13:30:27] "POST /
> HTTP/1.1" 200 -
> No line when trying to connect to server in the Profile Editor of the Desktop
> client.
Indeed strange when sao is able to connect. Could it be, that you have already
connected to this server with different SSL settings? Then be sure to delete
the entry in the known_hosts file or hte file at all before starting the client.
Mathias Behrle
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