[Debian-zh-dev] Bug#864702: RFS: galternatives/0.13.6 [ITA]

Boyuan Yang 073plan at gmail.com
Tue Jun 13 02:10:33 UTC 2017

Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: normal
X-Debbugs-CC: chinese-developers at lists.alioth.debian.org

Dear mentors and chinese-developers folks,

I am looking for a sponsor for adopted package "galternatives"

 * Package name    : galternatives
   Version         : 0.13.6
   Upstream Author : [not active anymore]
 * URL             : [defunct]
 * License         : GPL-1+
   Section         : admin

It builds those binary package(s):
    galternatives - graphical setup tool for the alternatives system

Unfortunately mentors.d.o upload is temporarily 403 here, so one can download 
the package with dget using:


Or please use git repository on Alioth.d.o:


Changes since last upload:

galternatives (0.13.6) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Adopt package. (Closes: #856289)
  * Fix the bug that properties subwindow become blank.
    (Closes: #325172)
  * Apply "wrap-and-sort -abst".
  * d/compat: bump to v10.
  * d/menu: drop obsoleted xpm file and menu file.
  * debian/control:
    + Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.8. (No changes needed)
    + Bump dependency to debhelper to 10~.
    + Write collab-maint url for Vcs-*.
  * d/copyright: rewrite with machine-readable format.
    - Explicitly mark license as GPL-1+ since original declaration
      only said "GPL".
  * d/rules:
    + Fix grammar for "dh" tool.
  * translation:
    + Refresh translations.
    + Add Simplified Chinese translation.
  * add a .gitignore file for .mo files.
  * bump "galternatives" python package version to 0.13.6.
  * remove obsoleted line for "list-mos.sh" in setup.py.

Boyuan Yang
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