[Debian-pan-maintainers] mccode Debian packaging

Emmanuel FARHI emmanuel.farhi at synchrotron-soleil.fr
Fri Jul 12 08:39:33 BST 2024

Hi Peter,

Many thanks for these commits.

I'm progressing in the packaging process, based on the initial work from 

I've taken your modifications regarding the 
mcxtrace-comps/CMakeLists.txt and mcstas-comps/CMakeLists.txt, and the 
installation nearly goes to the end, with most files. I'm polishing the 
remaining missing bits through a sequence of 'patches' (quilt, as this 
is done according to the Debian policy), and will actually tell you 
which modifications will emerge in the end. I'm making this job locally, 
but feel this is close to an end, at last.


Le 12/07/2024 à 08:05, Peter Kjær Willendrup a écrit :
> Hi E,
> The CMake is now adjusted along the lines of what you proposed, hope 
> this helps?
> I’ve played a bit more with the webgl visualisation, quite neat for 
> e.g. radiographies, see attached from the “Airport scanner”.
> (For the optics to render as “solids” quite a number of 
> comp-modifications e.g. multiline -> polygon should of course in 
> principle be done, but this may come along the way.)
> I’ve on the other hand noticed that the npm install (to take place in 
> the mc/xdisplay/webgl/ folder after install of py code) is not always 
> correct, for instance it works out of the box in the current McStas 
> conda build, but not in McXtrace - so a bit more work remains for me 
> there to do after vacation.
> Plus some process-control:
> The “vite" / node server often is not cleaned up at exit of the 
> simulation.
> But I think it looks quite good! :-) (Have asked Theodor to correct 
> the z-axis direction / camera viewpont in the “side view”. And I know 
> axis ticks/units are on the way…)
> P
/ ___|__/\_| |   | ____|_ _| |      FARHI Emmanuel
\___ \\ | |   |  _|  | || |      Div Exp/Data Reduction and Analysis Team
  ___) /_  _| |___| |___ | || |___   Tel : +33 (1) 69 35 96 04 
|____/  \/ |_____|_____|___|_____|  Saint-Aubin BP 48 - 91192 GIF/YVETTE 
SYNCHROTRON http://www.synchrotron-soleil.fr
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