[minicom-Bugs][304722] add linefeed is not working, or linefeed option is missing - "enter" + "ctrl-j" needed

minicom-bugs at alioth.debian.org minicom-bugs at alioth.debian.org
Wed Aug 15 09:49:22 UTC 2007

Bugs item #304722, was opened at 2007-08-15 01:43
Status: Open
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Nobody (None)
Assigned to: Nobody (None)
Summary: add linefeed is not working, or linefeed option  is missing - "enter" + "ctrl-j" needed 
Category: None
Group: wishlist
Resolution: None

Initial Comment:

I encountered a serial device that required me to hit "enter" followed by a "ctrl-j" in order to send commands to the device.

Either "add linefeed" is broken (seems to add same old \n alone), or a new feature is needed to support the hyperterminal "send end of line to end of line" option.



Comment By: Lixus Zoran (lixus-guest)
Date: 2007-08-15 09:49

Hi Tod, 

looks like this is related to the problem I mentioned at http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/minicom-devel/2007/000698.html

"man minicom" says this:
"A Toggle  'Add  Linefeed'  on/off.  If it is on, a linefeed is added before every carriage return displayed on the screen."

So I believe "Add Linefeed" is only used for displaying/receiving data but not for sending data when pressing a key.

I turned on "Capture to minicom.cap" and it did not contain
DOS like \r\n for pressing <enter> even if "Add Linefeed" was active.

But i didn't try <enter> + "ctrl-j" yet.


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