Issue displaying directories containing long filenames

Christopher Chavez chrischavez at
Fri May 15 20:31:13 UTC 2015

When selecting a file e.g. in Send file, if the directory contains a file
or directory whose name is longer than 72 characters, the displayed row size
increases and names will attempt to wrap, but scrolling through and selecting
files in the directory becomes difficult, because the cursor only moves by one
terminal "row": the file's displayed row no longer corresponds to the cursor's.

This has been tested so far on OS X with minicom 2.7 (from macports)
and minicom 2.7-1 (debian/ubuntu) in various terminal emulators, regardless of
terminal window width.

Ideally, the cursor should be correctly mapped to these "wrapping" entries,
or that these entries might be truncated to fit one row.

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