[Nut-upsuser] ownership of pid directory

David Benfell benfell at speakeasy.net
Tue Jan 2 19:44:00 CET 2007

On Tue, 02 Jan 2007 09:53:46 -0500, Doug Reynolds wrote:
> >
> I have an answer to your question now (i don't recall if you got an 
> answer now) since I run freebsd, I finally secure nut on my system.
> my /var/db/nut dir looks like this:
> drwxr-x---    2 nutmon      nut             512 Jan  2 09:17 nut/
> I run my driver as user nutmon, group nut.  If you goto your /etc/group 
> file, add user UUCP to the nut group..  then add:
> user = nutmon
> It sounds like the permission on your /var/db/nut are probably 700 or 
> 740.. on my system orignially it was owned by uucp:dialer, that could be 
> your problem if it is own by uucp:uucp
> I ran into the same thing when I switch over to a non-root setup.  I 
> sure you trouble has something to do with permissions..
> Also, don't forget to put:
> # Insert other shutdown procedures here
> if (test -f /etc/killpower)
> then
> echo "Killing the power, bye!"
> /usr/local/libexec/nut/upsdrvctl shutdown
> fi
> right before the:
> echo '.'
> exit 0
> in your /etc/rc.shutdown for freebsd, as if you don't, your ups won't 
> shutdown, and could cause a race condition.
Thanks a million!  I am now past that hurdle and as near as I can tell,
it all now works.

David Benfell, LCP
benfell at parts-unknown.org
Resume available at http://www.parts-unknown.org/

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