[pkg-bacula-devel] Bacula 7 on Debian

Luca Capello luca at pca.it
Fri Feb 6 15:34:20 UTC 2015

Hi there,

On 12/23/2014 02:49 PM, Carsten Leonhardt wrote:
>> Are there any plans to bring bacula 7 into Debian?
>> I see that Jessie is also still coming with 5.2.6.
>> We really want the features offered in bacula 7, but don't want to run a
>> different distribution for this.
>> Please advise.
> apparently nobody of the current bacula team is active anymore. I've let
> the MIA-team know about it, but didn't hear back from them yet.

Sorry for the delay, for different reasons I was missing mails to
pkg-bacula-devel@ and a an Alioth request to join the team[1] arrived this
morning led me to discover that.

[1] <https://alioth.debian.org/projects/pkg-bacula/>

I am sorry that RL took me away from Bacula maintenance, but FYI I am
far from MIA, simply active in another field.  And it is always a good
thing to try to directly contact someone before calling it MIA...
However, I fully agree with you[2] it is time to move on.


Just to be clear: nobody prevents anyone to contribute to Bacula on
Debian, especially because I very much welcome NMU for all the packages
I (co-)maintain[3] (already happened for Bacula, see the last uploads).

[3] <https://wiki.debian.org/LowThresholdNmu> and your recent work on
bug triaging is remarkable.

FWIW, I just added Geert as an admin for the Bacula team on Alioth, I am
sure he will be more responsive than me. I can send the mailing list
admin passwords as well ;-)

As a side note, I should also admit that the split between Bacula and
Bareos, together with the ongoing (legal) dispute, made me extremely
sad.  The fact that the Bareos packaging, after an initial discussion
here[4], went instead completely separated added more sadness,
especially considering similar codebase situations where collaboration
is a must (e.g. MySQL vs. MariaDB).

[5] <https://alioth.debian.org/projects/pkg-bareos/>

> I'm hoping to help getting Bacula 7 into Debian, and then to get it at
> least into the backports so it will be installable on jessie.

Thank you for your recent work on bug triaging (just do not forget to
use the Version pseudo-header when closing bugs via NNN-done@), if you
want to play with the official Git repository feel free to join the
Alioth project[1] and you will have write access.

The same is true for anyone wanting to help (Bcc:ed).

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

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