[pkg-bacula-devel] Running bacula-fd as non-root (again)

Sven Hartge sven at svenhartge.de
Wed Nov 7 14:09:25 GMT 2018

On 07.11.18 13:23, Sven Hartge wrote:

> Since we switched back to using "-u bacula -g bacula" because of the PID
> file problem, this will still work.
> We can even add "-k" permanently to the init-script, it does not do any
> harm when running as root. I'll prepare a change and documentation.

I did the change and will do some testing later in combination with
tests for 9.2.2.

Can you test on kFreeBSD if using "-k" as permanent option for bacula-fd
fails on there, because FreeBSD doesn't have capabilities?

If this causes propblems, we need to either reintroduce the ARGS
variable for /etc/defaults/bacula-fd or put an automatic arch-detector
into the init-script.


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