[pkg-bacula-devel] Bug#975970: bacula-director-mysql broken SQL schema for mariadb-server-10.5

Radoslav Bodó bodik at cesnet.cz
Fri Nov 27 19:48:57 GMT 2020

> I don't really have an exact explanation but at least the schema seem to
> be created ...

I've been a little bit too rash, database gets created but director was
unable to run a single job ...

27-Nov 19:40 xxx JobId 0: Fatal error: sql_create.c:83 Create DB Job
record INSERT INTO Job
19:40:13',1606502413,2,'') failed. ERR=Cannot add or update a child row:
a foreign key constraint fails (`bacula`.`Job`, CONSTRAINT `Job_ibfk_2`
FOREIGN KEY (`PoolId`) REFERENCES `Pool` (`PoolId`))

... so I consulted sources about the postgresl db structure and found,
that there does not seem to be any FKs in the original/supported schema.
So I went to create another patch and just dropped the REFERENCES from
mysql schema (see the attachment). Director seem to be fully working at
least in our CI with it.

I wonder whether this might be a proper solution which works for everybody:

* it resolved the original issue
* it matches postgresql schema a bit more
* also ClientId types gets synced across all columns in all tables

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