[pymvpa] Obtaining max responsive masks via MVPA

MS Al-Rawi rawi707 at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 6 10:48:08 UTC 2010

Hello everyone

First, I have a question about the data 
in http://data.pymvpa.org/datasets/haxby2001/Was it preprocessed for;  motion 
correction, slice-timing, normalized to MNI, or smoothed?  or any other 

The max-responsive masks it contains were obtained per subject via GLM 
contrast based localizer maps, this goes for mask4_vt.nii too. Why there isn't 
one mask (per category or vt) for all subjects via group analysis in order to 
use it in MVPA analysis? Also, is it possible to obtain such masks using MVPA 
via searchlight or any other alternative?


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