[pymvpa] Parameter Search SVM

Karch, Julian karch at mpib-berlin.mpg.de
Wed Oct 6 16:16:10 UTC 2010


i'm currently working on a project where i have to select hyperparameters for the libSVM implementation which generate a model which fits a dataset best (compared to other hyperparameters). Is there any implementation available in pymvpa accomplishes this job? I found Modelselector but as i unterstood the logic it needs the classifier/model to have a method called compute_log_marginal_likelihood which the SVM clfers seem to lag.

Julian Karch
Research Assistant

Max Planck Institute for Human Development
Department Lifespan Psychology
Lentzeallee 94 
14195 Berlin
Tel.: 030 / 82406-294

Email: karch at mpib-berlin.mpg.de
Internet: www.mpib-berlin.mpg.de


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