[pymvpa] MEG multivariate decoding competition at Biomag2012

Rajeev Raizada raizada at cornell.edu
Tue Jan 10 19:55:14 UTC 2012

This looks like it might be interesting to PyMVPA folks.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ole Jensen <ole.jensen at donders.ru.nl>
Date: Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 5:26 AM
Subject: Connectionists: Data Analysis Competition at Biomag2012
To: connectionists at cs.cmu.edu

Dear colleagues,

We are happy to announce the 'Biomag2012 analysis competition'. Please
consider participating or encourage students, postdocs and colleagues
to take part.  See below for details.

Best regards,

Ole Jensen and Ali Bahramisharif


Biomag2012 analysis competition - distributed representations
The decoding of mental states and neuronal representations from brain
imaging data is a research field in rapid development (Spiers HJ,
Maguire EA. Decoding human brain activity during real-world
experiences. Trends Cogn Sci. 2007 ; Haynes JD, Rees G. Decoding
mental states from brain activity in humans. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2006).
These decoding approaches have a great potential in MEG research where
data are recorded from hundreds of sensors with a millisecond time
resolution. In particular cognitive neuroscience could benefit from
further development of decoding approaches in order to identify
representational specific brain activity.

The aims of the competition is to:

Promote the development and application of new multivariate analysis
techniques for decoding of brain activity
Make the audience aware of novel approaches
Elucidate the pros and cons of different the techniques

Which assumptions are behind a given approach?
What are the limitations?

Attract signal-processing experts from outside the MEG field
Encourage a discussion on the cognitive insight which the techniques
can bring about

The deadline for submitting results is Aug 17, 2012

Link for details, data etc:

Ole Jensen

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