[pymvpa] mvpa2.clfs.transerror.chisquare

marco tettamanti mrctttmnt at gmail.com
Thu May 11 13:35:39 UTC 2017

Dear all,
I apologize if this has been asked before, or else is too trivial.

I have been trying to understand how the the pymvpa2 toolbox calculates the 
chi-square test of a confusion matrix.

In a cross-validation (e.g., cvte.ca.stats), it seems that by default this is 
done by means of a one-dimensional Goodness-of-fit chi-square test with expected 
uniform frequency distribution.

I was wondering whether the bi-dimensional Pearson's chi square wouldn't be more 
appropriate, as it seems to me that this would more closely reflect the 
"predictions vs targets N x N" matrix structure.

Thank you and very best wishes,

Marco Tettamanti, Ph.D.
Nuclear Medicine Department & Division of Neuroscience
IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute
Via Olgettina 58
I-20132 Milano, Italy
Phone ++39-02-26434888
Fax ++39-02-26434892
Email: tettamanti.marco at hsr.it
Skype: mtettamanti

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