[Pkg-roundcube-maintainers] Bug#526465: roundcube: multipart/mixed message incorrectly displayed

Vincent Bernat bernat at debian.org
Sun Sep 27 09:21:09 UTC 2009

OoO Lors  de la soirée naissante  du lundi 06 juillet  2009, vers 18:36,
Mark Syms <mark at marksyms.me.uk> disait :

> Doesn't appear to be any different using that version, still displays just
> a horizontal rule between messages and no message header information which
> is present in the message source.

I am sorry to handle things  like that, but could you check with version
0.3  which was  just uploaded?  If this  is still  not fixed,  could you
forward me the  multipart/mixed message that you are  refering to (as an
attachment to ensure that it is not mangled)?

BOFH excuse #258:
That's easy to fix, but I can't be bothered.
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