[Debian-zh-dev] Bug#960569: RFS: lunar-date/2.4.0-6 -- GObject Introspection for lunar-date

atzlinux 肖盛文 atzlinux at sina.com
Thu May 14 12:32:06 BST 2020


    Thanks for your guide.

I'd learned much knowledge from your email.

All of your suggestions is done and the package  uploaded.

Welcome to check it again.


在 2020/5/14 下午4:55, Peter Pentchev 写道:
> Now the not so trivial issue: it seems to me that you changed
> the debian/gir1.2-lunar-date-2.0.install file and made it install
> the library explicitly into a directory named
> "usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/girepository-1.0/" - this will not work in
> multiarch, or at least, it will not produce the result you want :)
> If you create, say, an i386 sbuild chroot and build your package in it,
> you'll see that the library and dev packages install their files
> properly into usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/, but the gir1.2-lunar-date-2.0
> package installs the typelib file into usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu.
> What do you think about the attached patch that fixes this and
> the related Lintian override?
> Minor suggestions:
> - since debhelper 11, the dh-* helper packages may
>   "Provide: dh-sequence-something" and the packages that use them, like
>   yours, may have dh-sequence-something as a build dependency; then
>   debhelper will assume that you mean "dh --with something". Thus, you
>   may drop the "--with gir" from the rules file and add
>   "dh-sequence-gir" as a build dependency
> - you may want to update your watch file to version 4 and use variables :)
> - you may switch to an execute_before_dh_install target
> - in the rules file, you may append to CFLAGS using
>   DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND instead of overriding the full value
> Thanks for your work!
> G'luck,
> Peter
肖盛文 Faris Xiao
铜豌豆 Linux 
基于 Debian 的 Linux 中文桌面操作系统:https://www.atzlinux.com

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