[pkg-bacula-devel] Urgent Dear Email Owner

Mary Chinweuba web at singhagiri.lk
Tue Feb 3 10:28:27 UTC 2015

Dear Email Owner, 


Western Union has been operating for over 150 years. Today with over 486,000 Agent locations worldwide in over 200 countries and territories, millions of people trust Western Union to send and receive money worldwide. This is to inform you that we are giving away bonus of 2015 to our entire beneficiary and your email address was among those to receive $650,000.00. As a result of your outstanding fund of $650,000.00, you are hereby required to pay $125.00 only for activation charges of your first payment. This is as a result of Western Union bonus 2015 and you will start to pick up your $5000.00 today via western union money transfer daily until your total fund is completed. Now contact western union agent below to pick up your first payment of $5,000.00. 

Contact person: Mr. Solomon Adam, 
Western union payment office 
Federal republic of Nigeria 
E-mail: woffice12 at ymail.com 
Tell Phone: +234 8165 090 796 

Ask him to give your MTCN, sender's name, question and answer to enable you pick the $5,000.00. Also you should send to him your following information. 

1. Your full name 
2. You’re address 
3. You’re phone number 


Mary Chinweuba 
Western Union Management 
Federal Republic of Nigeria 
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