[pymvpa] PyMVPA 0.5: feature wishlist

Michael Hanke michael.hanke at gmail.com
Tue Sep 29 16:55:36 UTC 2009


we just started the design phase for PyMVPA 0.5. This is going to be a
major release with significant changes that will put PyMVPA in shape for
future developments. While, right now, I do not want to talk about the
stuff that we are doing for 0.5 already, we would be interested in
getting feature requests.

PyMVPA 0.5 will change the API, therefore we are especially interested
in feature requests that seem to be impossible or at least difficult to
achieve with the current interface. We want to incorporate as many
things into this API transition to keep it again stable for as long as

So if you are doing something with PyMVPA that has some pain associated
with it, let us know about your suggestions...



GPG key:  1024D/3144BE0F Michael Hanke

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