August 2019 Archives by thread
Starting: Thu Aug 1 00:53:48 BST 2019
Ending: Sat Aug 31 05:39:20 BST 2019
Messages: 391
- Processing of jline3_3.3.1-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- jline3_3.3.1-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- jmock2: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- Processed: Bug#874711 marked as pending in groovy
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Bug#874755 marked as pending in groovy
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processing of groovy_2.4.17-2_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- groovy_2.4.17-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#874711: marked as done (groovy: broken symlink?)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#874755: marked as done (groovy: broken symlink: /usr/share/groovy/lib/testng.jar -> ../../java/testng.jar)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#929460: marked as done (groovyConsole broken because Illegal reflective access by org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CachedClass)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#933644: icedtea-web: fails to select values in drop-down menus
MAG4 Piemonte
- Processed: your mail
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processing of t-digest_3.0-1+deb9u1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- t-digest_3.0-1+deb9u1_source.changes ACCEPTED into oldstable-proposed-updates->oldstable-new
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#933669: openjfx: Starting a java-jfx application with java --module-path=/usr/share/java/ --add-modules=javafx.controls -jar app.jar results in the error: Error occurred during initialization of boot layer, java.lang.module.FindException: Two versions of module javafx.swing found in /usr/share/java (javafx-swing-11.jar and javafx-swing.jar)
Lars Mucha
- Bug#933676: openjdk-11-jre-dcevm: openjdk-11-jre-dvecm doesn't include the hotswap agent
Michael Meier
- [bts-link] source package src:libquartz-java
debian-bts-link at
- [bts-link] source package src:libquartz2-java
debian-bts-link at
- eclipse-emf 2.18.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- hibiscus 2.8.13+dfsg-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- hbci4java 3.0.24+dfsg-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- Processed: notfixed 832995 in 8.17.0-1, fixed 832995 in 8.20.0-1, notfound 764213 in 8.4.2-1 ..., tagging 909153 ...
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#903916: marked as done (undertow: Keep it out of Buster)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processing of undertow_2.0.23-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#933715: jh_linkjars: dpkg -L "debhelper-compat" returned exit code 1
Markus Koschany
- undertow_2.0.23-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#885338: marked as done (CVE-2017-12165)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#911796: marked as done (CVE-2018-14642)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#930349: marked as done (undertow: CVE-2019-3888: leak credentials to log files UndertowLogger.REQUEST_LOGGER.undertowRequestFailed)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processing of lombok-patcher_0.32-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- lombok-patcher_0.32-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#933744: tika: CVE-2019-10088: OOM from a crafted Zip File in Apache Tika's RecursiveParserWrapper
Salvatore Bonaccorso
- Bug#933745: tika: CVE-2019-10093: Denial of Service in Apache Tika's 2003ml and 2006ml Parsers
Salvatore Bonaccorso
- Bug#933746: tika: CVE-2019-10094: tackOverflow from Crafted Package/Compressed Files in Apache Tika's RecursiveParserWrapper
Salvatore Bonaccorso
- eclipse-jdt-debug 4.12-3 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- jssc 2.8.0-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- plexus-languages 0.9.10-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- Processed: This is more a bug in gradle than a bug in unzip
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#931895: Reassign
Santiago Vila
- libproxool-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- Processing of activemq_5.15.9-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- activemq_5.15.9-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#925964: marked as done (activemq: CVE-2019-0222)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processing of jengelman-shadow_4.0.3-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- jengelman-shadow_4.0.3-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#933854: solr-jetty: Jetty refuses to start SOLR due to a probably depreceated Call <Call name="addAliasCheck">
- Bug#933857: solr-jetty: Jetty lacks necessary write permissions to /var/lib/solr/data/index/
- Processing of visualvm_1.4.3-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- visualvm_1.4.3-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- jsoup: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- invokebinder: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- jenkins-json: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- jmdns: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- javaparser: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- jgit: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- bcel: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- gradle: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- guava-libraries: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libandroid-json-org-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- json-simple: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- joptsimple: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- Processing of gradle_4.4.1-8_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- gradle_4.4.1-8_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of tika_1.22-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- tika_1.22-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [bts-link] source package groovy
debian-bts-link at
- groovy 2.4.17-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- Processing of eclipse-jdt-ui_4.12-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- eclipse-jdt-ui_4.12-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of byteman_4.0.7-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#934032: libjaxen-java: FTBFS in stretch (failing tests, IllegalArgumentException)
Santiago Vila
- byteman_4.0.7-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#895440: Unable to connect to libreoffice
gregor herrmann
- sitemesh: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libonemind-commons-invoke-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- localizer: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libjcalendar-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- uimaj: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- felix-shell: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libjlha-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- multiverse-core: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- liblastfm-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libonemind-commons-java-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libswingx-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- mockobjects: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libaopalliance-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libjibx1.2-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libmp3spi-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- tiles: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- ini4j: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- jnr-constants: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- uima-addons: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libcommons-dbcp-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- portlet-api-2.0-spec: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- derby: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libjchart2d-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- dtd-parser: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- fest-test: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libjazzy-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- nekohtml: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libjpf-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libjdom1-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libcommons-collections4-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- opencsv: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libjgraph-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libjgraphx-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libbasicplayer-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libjcip-annotations-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- freehep-io: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- jargs: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libxmpcore-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- felix-gogo-runtime: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libpdfbox-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libjfreechart-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libjuniversalchardet-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- kdgcommons-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- concurrent-dfsg: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- commons-jci: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- atinject-jsr330: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- akuma: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libvt-ldap-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- antelope: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- activemq-activeio: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libjtds-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- fest-assert: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- flute: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libflexdock-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- jboss-logging: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- maven-doxia-tools: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libglazedlists-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libjemmy2-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- rhino: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libmetadata-extractor-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libcobra-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libjgrapht0.8-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libregexp-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- relaxngcc: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- serp: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- gant: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libdecentxml-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- apache-log4j1.2: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libowasp-esapi-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libjcommon-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- excalibur-logkit: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libcommons-digester-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libgetopt-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libjaxen-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- commons-daemon: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- jackson-core: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- svgsalamander: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- objenesis: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libcommons-lang3-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- maven: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libjlayer-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- plexus-cipher: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- beansbinding: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- javahelp2: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libcommons-el-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libmicroba-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- argparse4j: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- dbus-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- felix-osgi-obr: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libcommons-jexl2-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- jackson-module-jaxb-annotations: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libjgrapht0.6-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- javamail: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- hessian: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- felix-framework: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- lombok-patcher 0.32-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- undertow 2.0.23-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- Processed: unarchiving 929618, unarchiving 929615
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#934111: jython: add explicit dependency on openjdk-11-jre-headless
Andreas Beckmann
- Processed: jython: add explicit dependency on openjdk-11-jre-headless
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#911078: triplea: Fails to start with NullPointerException
Dan Van Atta
- Processing of openchemlib_2019.7.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- openchemlib_2019.7.0-1_source.changes REJECTED
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of openchemlib_2019.7.0-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- openchemlib_2019.7.0-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of classmate_1.3.4-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- classmate_1.3.4-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of jython_2.7.1+repack1-4_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- jython_2.7.1+repack1-4_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- activemq 5.15.9-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- Bug#934319: CVE-2019-10181 CVE-2019-10182 CVE-2019-10185
Moritz Muehlenhoff
- Processing of icedtea-web_1.8.3-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- icedtea-web_1.8.3-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processed: found 934319 in 1.8.2-2, found 934319 in 1.7.2-2
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: tagging 934319
Debian Bug Tracking System
- pantomime-clojure is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- tika is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- vorbis-java is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- gradle 4.4.1-8 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- tika 1.22-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- visualvm 1.4.3-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- Bug#932734: libfop-java: Hyphenation library (jar) is empty
tony mancill
- maven-dependency-tree: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libjrosetta-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- c3p0: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- libxmlrpc3-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- jackson-dataformat-xml: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- eclipse-jdt-ui 4.12-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- t-digest_3.0-1+deb9u1_source.changes ACCEPTED into oldstable-proposed-updates->oldstable-new, oldstable-proposed-updates
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#929618: marked as done (t-digest: latest-debian-changelog-entry-reuses-existing-version)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processing of commons-dbcp2_2.7.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- commons-dbcp2_2.7.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of jboss-logmanager_2.1.14-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of jboss-logging_3.4.1-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- jboss-logging_3.4.1-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- jboss-logmanager_2.1.14-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- omegat is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- lucene-solr is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- Processing of jep_2.4.1+ds-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- jep_2.4.1+ds-1_amd64.changes REJECTED
Debian FTP Masters
- jep_2.4.1+ds-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#933032: Add Salsa-CI integration
Otto Kekäläinen
- openchemlib_2019.7.0-1_amd64.changes REJECTED
Thorsten Alteholz
- classmate_1.3.4-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- jarchivelib_1.0.0-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- vectorgraphics2d_0.13-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- zip4j_1.3.3+ds-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- vavr0_0.10.0-1_multi.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of jackson-databind_2.9.9.3-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- jackson-databind_2.9.9.3-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#933393: marked as done (jackson-databind: CVE-2019-14439 CVE-2019-14379)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- jython 2.7.1+repack1-4 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- Processing of openchemlib_2019.7.0-2_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- openchemlib_2019.7.0-2_amd64.changes REJECTED
Debian FTP Masters
- openchemlib_2019.7.0-2_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of gral_0.11-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- gral_0.11-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of zip4j_2.1.2-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- zip4j_2.1.2-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#934729: gradle-debian-helper: support dh_auto_test
merkys at
- Processing of vdjtools_1.2.1+git20190311-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- vdjtools_1.2.1+git20190311-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of jboss-xnio_3.7.3-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- jboss-xnio_3.7.3-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- icedtea-web 1.8.3-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- Processed: raise severity of GCC 9 ftbfs issues (GCC 9 is now the default)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#934855: service-wrapper: Please provide service-wrapper on mips64el
Masayuki Hatta
- Bug#934857: service-wrapper: New upstream version available
Masayuki Hatta
- activemq is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- apache-curator is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- uima-as is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- zookeeper is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- Processed: owner 925869
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processing of jaxb_2.3.0.1-9_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of libnanoxml2-java_2.2.3.dfsg-8_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- jaxb_2.3.0.1-9_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of jboss-logging-tools_2.2.0-2_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processed: Bug#889459 marked as pending in commons-beanutils
Debian Bug Tracking System
- guice: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- Processing of commons-beanutils_1.9.4-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- commons-dbcp2 2.7.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- jboss-logging 3.4.1-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- jboss-logmanager 2.1.14-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- commons-beanutils_1.9.4-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#889459: marked as done (Updating the commons-beanutils Uploaders list)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- jboss-logging-tools_2.2.0-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- libnanoxml2-java_2.2.3.dfsg-8_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of zookeeper_3.4.13-3_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- zookeeper_3.4.13-3_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#925869: marked as done (zookeeper: ftbfs with GCC-9)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#935008: netbeans: outdate package
- jackson-databind MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- Processing of zip4j_2.1.2-2_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- zip4j_2.1.2-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- jboss-xnio 3.7.3-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- Bug#935203: tomcat9: systemd configuration fails to allow tomcat to write to it's own directory
Kit Haines
- Bug#935244: jh_depends: "-j headless" have no effect
Dmitry Smirnov
- Processed: affects 584472
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: severity of 584472 is normal
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#584472: #584472 fop: please support OpenType fonts
Dmitry Smirnov
- Bug#935336: jsvc on buster doesn't support the installable openjdk version
Nick Minkler
- libjogl2-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- Processing of freeplane_1.7.9-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- freeplane_1.7.9-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- commons-beanutils 1.9.4-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- jaxb MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- jboss-logging-tools 2.2.0-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- libnanoxml2-java 2.2.3.dfsg-8 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- Processing of tomcat9_9.0.24-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- tomcat9_9.0.24-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of libhibernate-validator-java_5.3.6-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- libhibernate-validator-java_5.3.6-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- libitext5-java: status change on
Reproducible builds folks
- zookeeper 3.4.13-3 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- Bug#935548: libxml-security-java: CVE-2019-12400
Salvatore Bonaccorso
- Bug#930562: Not migrated to testing yet
Gabriel Filion
- Processing of trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure_1.7.0-4_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- zip4j 2.1.2-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure_1.7.0-4_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of jcodings_1.0.44-2_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of jruby-joni_2.1.29-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- jcodings_1.0.44-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- jruby-joni_2.1.29-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#935777: insubstantial: NullPointerException in getDefaultBackgroundColor()
merkys at
- Bug#935805: sweethome3d fails to start because looks for a java version not installed
Jason L. Quinn
- Processing of insubstantial_7.3+dfsg3-5_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- insubstantial_7.3+dfsg3-5_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of libtwelvemonkeys-java_3.4.2-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- libtwelvemonkeys-java_3.4.2-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of undertow_2.0.25-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#935842: jh_buld: Make java source version configurable
- undertow_2.0.25-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#935849: tutorial: wrong bin link
- Processed: retitle 935842
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#935851: Missing dependency
- Processing of mvel_2.4.4-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of jython_2.7.1+repack1-4~deb10u1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- mvel_2.4.4-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- jython_2.7.1+repack1-4~deb10u1_source.changes ACCEPTED into proposed-updates->stable-new
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#911078: marked as done (triplea: Fails to start with NullPointerException)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- freeplane 1.7.9-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- tomcat9 9.0.24-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- Bug#935865: jh_build: Unknown option: main-class
merkys at
- Bug#923330: jajuk: Fails to start with Java Runtime Environment 1.7 minimum required. You use a JVM ext.JVM at 23fc625e
Markus Koschany
- jython_2.7.1+repack1-4~deb10u1_source.changes ACCEPTED into proposed-updates->stable-new, proposed-updates
Debian FTP Masters
- triplea MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- Bug#935926: Removed package(s) from unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#935986: icedtea-netx: javaws eats all memory, crashing machine
Ondrej Zary
- jruby-joni 2.1.29-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- jcodings 1.0.44-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mauve REMOVED from testing
Debian testing watch
- trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure 1.7.0-4 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- Processing of activemq_5.15.10-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- activemq_5.15.10-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#936121: antlr: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- Bug#936759: java-gnome: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- Bug#936776: jython: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- Bug#937202: openjfx: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- Bug#938599: sunflow: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- Bug#938892: zookeeper: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- Jessie update of libcommons-compress-java?
Mike Gabriel
- insubstantial 7.3+dfsg3-5 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
Last message date:
Sat Aug 31 05:39:20 BST 2019
Archived on: Sat Aug 31 05:39:25 BST 2019
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).