August 2019 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Aug 1 02:45:54 BST 2019
Ending: Sat Aug 31 12:06:01 BST 2019
Messages: 322
- [Python-apps-team] (no subject)
- [Python-apps-team] lollypop_1.1.4.11-1_amd64.changes REJECTED
Thorsten Alteholz
- [Python-apps-team] important
Smadar Barber-Tsadik
- [Python-apps-team] important
Smadar Barber-Tsadik
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#933880: khal aborts when piping an ics file from another program, such as mutt
Scott Barker
- [Python-apps-team] Wees multifunctioneel
Muriel Biesmans
- [Python-apps-team] Binance Partnership with Libra Coin(Facebook)
- [Python-apps-team] Incassobureau: uw geld, onze zorg
Jan van den Branden
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#933909: subdownloader: CLI broken
Jan Braun
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#933909: subdownloader: CLI broken
Jan Braun
- [Python-apps-team] (no subject)
Justin Cari
- [Python-apps-team] Gracias por contactar con nosotros
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#935150: mercurial: FTBFS on mips and s390x (zstd-related test failures)
Julien Cristau
- [Python-apps-team] SIE HABEN GEWONNEN {{€1,650,000.00}}EURO
- [Python-apps-team] Attention !!
Mrs.Susan David
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#935285: mayavi2: FTBFS on arm64, ppc64el
Ivo De Decker
- [Python-apps-team] Attn: Please Update Me
Mr. Samaraya Joseph Dede
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#827196: Already fixed upstream
Ernesto Domato
- [Python-apps-team] Grüße Freund/ Greetings friend
Mazin Ahmed Mohamed Elbashir
- [Python-apps-team] Are you in need of financial reimbursement?
John Brent Elliott
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#935423: rabbitvcs-thunar: wrong short description for package
Daniele Forsi
- [Python-apps-team] Hello
Mariano Gonzalez
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#932584: Please help fix pydoctor
Guido Günther
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#934264: Please update (4.6.2?) and provide/switch to python3
Yaroslav Halchenko
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#934264: Please update (4.6.2?) and provide/switch to python3
Yaroslav Halchenko
- [Python-apps-team] Good Morning
Malak Hassan
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#934264: Please update (4.6.2?) and provide/switch to python3
Varun Hiremath
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#932584: Epydoc and Pydoctor
Ian Jackson
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#933923: src:valinor: Incompatible with safe load changes in new pyyaml
Scott Kitterman
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#936160: atheist: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#936201: belier: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#936297: cherrytree: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#936424: djvusmooth: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#936432: doconce: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#936443: driconf: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#936610: ghp-import: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#936616: gitinspector: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#936623: gmail-notify: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#936699: hg-git: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#936746: irker: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#936751: isort: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#936755: itstool: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#936972: lunch: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#936996: mayavi2: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#937009: mercurial: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#937099: mypaint: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#937181: ocrfeeder: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#937274: petit: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#937282: phatch: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#937297: pkpgcounter: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#937298: planet-venus: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#937320: preprocess: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#937333: ptex2tex: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#937401: pycarddav: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#937421: pydoctor: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#937439: pyflakes: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#937464: pykaraoke: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#937915: python-memprof: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#938327: rabbitvcs: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#938337: rdiff-backup: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#938416: rst2pdf: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#938497: slingshot: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#938522: spambayes: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#938602: supervisor: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#938615: synopsis: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#938652: testrepository: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#938667: tictactoe-ng: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#938682: trac: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#938683: trac-accountmanager: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#938684: trac-announcer: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#938686: trac-bitten: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#938687: trac-codecomments: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#938688: trac-customfieldadmin: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#938690: trac-diavisview: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#938694: trac-httpauth: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#938697: trac-jsgantt: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#938698: trac-mastertickets: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#938703: trac-privatewiki: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#938704: trac-roadmap: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#938707: trac-subcomponents: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#938708: trac-subtickets: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#938712: trac-wikiprint: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#938714: trac-wysiwyg: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#938715: trac-xmlrpc: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#938735: txt2tags: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Matthias Klose
- [Python-apps-team] (no subject)
Wenna Lau
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#871945: mercurial: suboptimal diff compared to previous versions
Vincent Lefevre
- [Python-apps-team] python-apps-team at You have pending messages
- [Python-apps-team] Wordpress Theme Optimization
- [Python-apps-team] Processing of pydoctor_16.3.0-2.1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] pydoctor_16.3.0-2.1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] rabbitvcs_0.17.1-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental, experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#933504: Removed package(s) from unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#933504: Removed package(s) from unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Processing of rabbitvcs_0.17.1-2_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] rabbitvcs_0.17.1-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Processing of fava_1.10-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] fava_1.10-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Processing of rdiff-backup_1.3.3-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] rdiff-backup_1.3.3-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#932575: Removed package(s) from unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#932575: Removed package(s) from unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Processing of mugshot_0.4.2-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Processing of catfish_1.4.8-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Processing of kupfer_0+v319-4_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] catfish_1.4.8-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] kupfer_0+v319-4_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] mugshot_0.4.2-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Processing of valinor_1.1.0-2_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] valinor_1.1.0-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Processing of backblaze-b2_1.3.8-2_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] backblaze-b2_1.3.8-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Processing of lollypop_1.1.4.11-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] lollypop_1.1.4.11-1_source.changes REJECTED
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Processing of lollypop_1.1.4.11-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] lollypop_1.1.4.11-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Processing of alot_0.8.1-2_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] alot_0.8.1-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Processing of pydoctor_16.3.0-2.2_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] pydoctor_16.3.0-2.2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Processing of backblaze-b2_1.3.8-1~bpo9+1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] backblaze-b2_1.3.8-1~bpo9+1_source.changes REJECTED
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Processing of kupfer_0+v319-5_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] kupfer_0+v319-5_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Processing of backblaze-b2_1.3.8-1~bpo9+1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] backblaze-b2_1.3.8-1~bpo9+1_source.changes ACCEPTED into stretch-backports->backports-policy
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#934332: Removed package(s) from unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Processing of mypaint_1.2.0-5_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] mypaint_1.2.0-5_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] backblaze-b2_1.3.8-1~bpo9+1_source.changes ACCEPTED into stretch-backports->backports-policy, stretch-backports
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] rename-flac_2.1.0-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Processing of catfish_1.4.8-2_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] catfish_1.4.8-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Processing of lollypop_1.1.4.11-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] lollypop_1.1.4.11-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Processing of mercurial_5.1-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] mercurial_5.1-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Processing of weasyprint_48-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] weasyprint_48-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Processing of fava_1.10-2_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] fava_1.10-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Processing of supervisor_4.0.4-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] supervisor_4.0.4-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Processing of yotta_0.19.0-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Processing of valinor_1.1.4-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] valinor_1.1.4-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] yotta_0.19.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Processing of subdownloader_2.1.0~rc4-2_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] subdownloader_2.1.0~rc4-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#935176: Removed package(s) from unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#935176: Removed package(s) from unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Processing of mercurial_5.1-2_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] mercurial_5.1-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Processing of fava_1.11-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] fava_1.11-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Processing of clustershell_1.8.1-2_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] clustershell_1.8.1-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] weasyprint_48-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental, experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Processing of weasyprint_48-2_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] weasyprint_48-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Processing of tox_3.13.2-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] tox_3.13.2-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Processing of python-memprof_0.3.6-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] python-memprof_0.3.6-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#936078: Removed package(s) from unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#936078: Removed package(s) from unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Processing of buildbot_2.3.1-2_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] buildbot_2.3.1-2_source.changes REJECTED
Debian FTP Masters
- [Python-apps-team] Re
Euro Millions
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#908902: Close?
Faheem Mitha
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#875234: [writetype] Future Qt4 removal from Buster
Moritz Mühlenhoff
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#875234: [writetype] Future Qt4 removal from Buster
Moritz Mühlenhoff
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#813313: (no subject)
David North
- [Python-apps-team] Wir bieten finanzielle Hilfe
Phan Tan Phat
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#932584: Epydoc and Pydoctor
Kenneth Pronovici
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#932584: Epydoc and Pydoctor
Kenneth Pronovici
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#933655: pychecker: Package is deprecated and will be removed - do not use
Kenneth J. Pronovici
- [Python-apps-team] IT Service Notice Desk
Rauer, Prof. Dr. Wulf
- [Python-apps-team] De elektronische maaltijdcheque, een toekomstgerichte oplossing voor Fortis Bank-Fortis Banque [BRUGGE AG.]
Ticket Restaurant
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#933909: subdownloader: CLI broken
Mattia Rizzolo
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#933909: subdownloader: CLI broken
Mattia Rizzolo
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#875234: [writetype] Future Qt4 removal from Buster
Miriam Ruiz
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#875234: [writetype] Future Qt4 removal from Buster
Miriam Ruiz
- [Python-apps-team] (no subject)
Jaime Illanez Schoenenberger
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#934661: python3-fava: Fails to start with ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ''
Aaron Schrab
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#934661: [PATCH] Keep help files in upstream location
Aaron Schrab
- [Python-apps-team] Website Development @ Low Cost
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#881550: marked as done (pydoctor: Please migrate away from Epydoc if possible)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#932584: marked as done (python-pydoctor: Epydoc will be removed)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#664970: marked as done (rabbitvcs: Please provide a rabbitvcs-thunar package)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#882241: marked as done (Upgrade to rabbitvcs 0.17.1)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#909187: marked as done (Upgrade to rabbitvcs 0.17.1)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#882241: marked as done (Upgrade to rabbitvcs 0.17.1)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#909187: marked as done (Upgrade to rabbitvcs 0.17.1)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#474183: marked as done (spe: Crash when closing a file)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#480339: marked as done (spe: crash when opening any source file)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#491851: marked as done (spe: Cannot save workspace with Notes in Unicode)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#522317: marked as done (spe (tools->run / dialog) python got 99% cpu)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#585357: marked as done (spe: Python string exceptions no more allowed in Python 2.6)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#589898: marked as done (spe: Beeps (always) after script executions)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#775936: marked as done (spe: Cannot open preferences dialog box)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#930398: marked as done (spe: Pychecker will be removed after buster)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Processed: found 933643 in 0.8.7-1, tagging 933643, found 933654 in 3.0.1+dfsg-20, tagging 933654 ...
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Processed: Bug#607257 marked as pending in rdiff-backup
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Processed: Bug#656436 marked as pending in rdiff-backup
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Processed: Bug#881347 marked as pending in rdiff-backup
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#607257: marked as done (rdiff-backup: Extend --no-compress defaults by .iso/vob/mdf)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#656436: marked as done (rdiff-backup: harmless option typo in bash-completion file)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#881347: marked as done (rdiff-backup: Crashing on Exception '[Errno 61] No data available')
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#408261: marked as done (pychecker: Redefining attribute (<generator expression>))
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#611288: marked as done (pychecker: false positive "Function (__import__) doesn't support **kwArgs")
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#933655: marked as done (pychecker: Package is deprecated and will be removed - do not use)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Processed: Bug#876754 marked as pending in kupfer
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Processed: Bug#906043 marked as pending in kupfer
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#692351: marked as done (kupfer: Disabling "Start automatically on login" doesn't work)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#876754: marked as done (kupfer: Recommend introspection wnck)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#906043: marked as done (Please prefer Ayatana AppIndicator)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#933923: marked as done (src:valinor: Incompatible with safe load changes in new pyyaml)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Processed: Bug#927048 marked as pending in backblaze-b2
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#927048: marked as done (man page links to texinfo which has the same info)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Processed: Re: alot: FTBFS because of expired keys
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Processed: Bug#930057 marked as pending in alot
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#930057: marked as done (alot: FTBFS because of expired keys)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Processed: [PATCH] Keep help files in upstream location
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#908902: marked as done (mercurial: hg commit -m 'my updates' (goes awry due to space in message))
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#871945: marked as done (mercurial: suboptimal diff compared to previous versions)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#919924: marked as done (mercurial: autopkgtest depends on monotone which is not in testing)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Processed: Re: disper -S → Segmentation fault
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#934661: marked as done (python3-fava: Fails to start with ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '')
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Processed: Raising severities
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Processed: Limit to bullseye
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Processed: tagging 934901, tagging 934344, tagging 929949, tagging 925630, tagging 925644, tagging 925645 ...
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Processed: tagging 925823, tagging 875146, tagging 875243, tagging 875242, tagging 875234, tagging 875227 ...
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Processed: Re: Bug#933909: subdownloader: CLI broken
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Processed: bug 933909 is forwarded to
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#582772: marked as done (babiloo: user should be able to choose the temporary directory)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#582773: marked as done (babiloo: unable to use directly Debian dictionary packages)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#774596: marked as done (babiloo: fails to start with "ImportError: No module named PyQt4")
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#896522: marked as done (Homepage is dead)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Processed: Re: Bug#639003: should depend on python-qt4
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#639003: marked as done (should depend on python-qt4)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Processed: Bug#935150 marked as pending in mercurial
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#935150: marked as done (mercurial: FTBFS on mips and s390x (zstd-related test failures))
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Processed: tagging 935086, tagging 935621, found 934815 in 0.1.2-1, found 934817 in 3.2.2+pristine-2 ...
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#758526: marked as done (tox: py3k-only can cause problems and surprise)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#922487: marked as done (Please coordinate removal of python-tox transitional pkg)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Processed: bug 913035 is forwarded to
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#913035: marked as done (python-memprof fails its autopkg tests with Pyhton 3.7)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#913041: marked as done (python-memprof fails its autopkg tests with Python 3.7)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#671336: marked as done (writetype: FTBFS if built twice in a row: aborting due to unexpected upstream changes)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#875234: marked as done ([writetype] Future Qt4 removal from Buster)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Processed: Re: pygtksourceview: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Processed: Add some blocking bugs for Python2 removal
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Processed: block 936371 with 938637 936104 936166 936173 936270 936297 936531 936555 936594 612636 936721 936757 936812 936813 936948 936981 936987 937044 937073 937125 937137 937224 937233 781914
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Processed: block 936371 with 937325 937338 937339 894806 937513 937688 937870 937956 938114 938160 938316 938327 938329 935358 938503 938581 938583 938584 938586 938588 938591 938592 938593 938595 938596 938604 938642 938667 938749 938799 938823 938884 892359 937321 937388 938329 849086 938643
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Processed: block 937842 with 937542 927100 936216 936642 937876 937469 938522 938740
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Processed: your mail
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Processed: block 936454 with 936699
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Processed: block 936454 with 939024
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Processed (with 1 error): merging 938327 939024
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#934264: Please update (4.6.2?) and provide/switch to python3
Andreas Tille
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#936011: pytimechart: should this package be removed?
Sandro Tosi
- [Python-apps-team] Thanks python-apps-team-MIYUE CRAFTS Over 15 Years Experience In Making And Designing Crystal Gifts And Awards
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#929954: what about just uploading relevant patch for now?
Elena ``of Valhalla''
- [Python-apps-team] Test gratis een waterfontein uit bij Fortis Bank-Fortis Banque [BRUGGE AG.] gedurende 15 dagen
Lauren Vanhout
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#939024: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
Jelmer Vernooij
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#932584: Epydoc and Pydoctor
Jelmer Vernooij
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#930057: alot: FTBFS because of expired keys
Santiago Vila
- [Python-apps-team] Hi Dear, Please Treat As Confidential.
- [Python-apps-team] (no subject)
Lerynne West
- [Python-apps-team] Joepie, terug naar school
Het Wijnhuis
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#934545: operon: edit: Starting text editor 'nano' failed
Jakub Wilk
- [Python-apps-team] VoIP of klassieke telefooncentrale: kies de beste oplossingen voor Fortis Bank-Fortis Banque [BRUGGE AG.]
Ann Willebroek
- [Python-apps-team] Ergreifen Sie dieses lebenslange Angebot und bewerben Sie sich jetzt
Mr Davis Wright
- [Python-apps-team] wine gift artware attn python-apps-team7:20:31
Abby Xu
- [Python-apps-team] (no subject)
Zroot Yroot
- [Python-apps-team] TVI Cam Promotion (Housing same supplier with Longse but price 10% cheaper)
Sales.94 at
- [Python-apps-team] (pas d'objet)
Robert bailey donation
- [Python-apps-team] WiredGov - Official UK Government News Alerts Direct to Your Device
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#934931: planet-venus: depends on cruft package
peter green
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#937736: menulibre: Menulibre does not start
- [Python-apps-team] [bts-link] source package subdownloader
debian-bts-link at
- [Python-apps-team] (no subject)
v_hospitality6 at
- [Python-apps-team] alot is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [Python-apps-team] disper is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [Python-apps-team] writetype is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [Python-apps-team] rst2pdf is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [Python-apps-team] fava is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [Python-apps-team] planet-venus is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [Python-apps-team] muttdown is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [Python-apps-team] fava is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [Python-apps-team] yotta is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [Python-apps-team] mbed-test-wrapper is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [Python-apps-team] firmware-microbit-micropython is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [Python-apps-team] mayavi2 is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [Python-apps-team] twine is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [Python-apps-team] beancount is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- [Python-apps-team] spe REMOVED from testing
Debian testing watch
- [Python-apps-team] pychecker REMOVED from testing
Debian testing watch
- [Python-apps-team] rdiff-backup 1.3.3-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [Python-apps-team] valinor 1.1.0-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [Python-apps-team] backblaze-b2 1.3.8-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [Python-apps-team] fava 1.10-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [Python-apps-team] catfish 1.4.8-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [Python-apps-team] mugshot 0.4.2-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [Python-apps-team] phenny REMOVED from testing
Debian testing watch
- [Python-apps-team] alot 0.8.1-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [Python-apps-team] kupfer 0+v319-5 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [Python-apps-team] pydoctor 16.3.0-2.2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [Python-apps-team] mypaint 1.2.0-5 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [Python-apps-team] catfish 1.4.8-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [Python-apps-team] rabbitvcs 0.17.1-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [Python-apps-team] babiloo REMOVED from testing
Debian testing watch
- [Python-apps-team] valinor 1.1.4-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [Python-apps-team] yotta 0.19.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [Python-apps-team] subdownloader 2.1.0~rc4-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [Python-apps-team] fava 1.11-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [Python-apps-team] clustershell 1.8.1-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [Python-apps-team] tox 3.13.2-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [Python-apps-team] writetype REMOVED from testing
Debian testing watch
- [Python-apps-team] Bug#934755: menulibre 2.2.0-2 does not start on debian 10
Сергей Фёдоров
Last message date:
Sat Aug 31 12:06:01 BST 2019
Archived on: Mon Sep 2 08:44:53 BST 2019
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).