April 2014 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Apr 1 07:56:26 UTC 2014
Ending: Wed Apr 30 19:39:05 UTC 2014
Messages: 454
- Bug#743489: license issues
Thorsten Alteholz
- [openstreetmap-carto] branch master created (now 30f7916)
Christopher Baines
- [openstreetmap-carto] branch upstream created (now e5acdb0)
Christopher Baines
- [openstreetmap-carto] branch pristine-tar created (now ab8146a)
Christopher Baines
- [openstreetmap-carto] 01/02: Imported Upstream version 2.13.0
Christopher Baines
- [openstreetmap-carto] 02/02: Imported Debian patch 2.13.0-1
Christopher Baines
- [openstreetmap-carto] 01/01: pristine-tar data for openstreetmap-carto_2.13.0.orig.tar.gz
Christopher Baines
- [openstreetmap-carto] annotated tag upstream/2.13.0 created (now b5d2c5b)
Christopher Baines
- [openstreetmap-carto] annotated tag debian/2.13.0-1 created (now f78881e)
Christopher Baines
- Bug#745785: postgis: [INTL:es] postgis Spanish translation of debconf messages
Matias A. Bellone
- Bug#745702: libgdal1h: File missing in package: cubewerx_extra.wkt
Fabien Bochu
- Bug#745097: mkgmap: FTBFS with Java 8: name clash: remove(K, V) in MultiHashMap and remove(Object, Object) in HashMap have the same erasure
Emmanuel Bourg
- Bug#743354: RFS: gdal/1.10.1+dfsg-5
Bas Couwenberg
- [gdal] branch master updated (db2cea8 -> 14d3314)
Bas Couwenberg
- [gdal] 01/02: Don't strip .py extension from python scripts, breaks QGIS plugins.
Bas Couwenberg
- [gdal] 02/02: Set urgency to medium.
Bas Couwenberg
- [gdal] tag debian/1.10.1+dfsg-5 created (now 14d3314)
Bas Couwenberg
- [gdal-grass] branch master updated (f87c160 -> 74a2782)
Bas Couwenberg
- [gdal-grass] 01/01: Update copyright file using copyright-format 1.0.
Bas Couwenberg
- [spatialite] branch master updated (66e57e3 -> 334ea9a)
Bas Couwenberg
- [spatialite] 01/02: Add NEWS entry for switch from SpatiaLite 3.0 to 4.1.
Bas Couwenberg
- [spatialite] 02/02: Drop lintian overrides for no-upstream-changelog.
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#743578: RFS: spatialite/4.1.1-7
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#743579: RFS: libgdal-grass/1.10.1-2
Bas Couwenberg
- [spatialite] tag debian/4.1.1-7 created (now 334ea9a)
Bas Couwenberg
- [mapserver] branch master updated (85e0c99 -> f29d97c)
Bas Couwenberg
- [mapserver] 01/03: Don't install ruby mapscript for Ruby 1.9, only built for 2.x now.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mapserver] 02/03: Drop patched FindRuby.cmake, build depend on the cmake version containing the updated module.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mapserver] 03/03: Add lintian override for incompatible-java-bytecode-format.
Bas Couwenberg
- [spatialite] branch master updated (334ea9a -> b09e559)
Bas Couwenberg
- [spatialite] 01/01: Don't build (but do install) examples, causes gcc-4.8 to segfaul on armhf.
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#743621: RFS: spatialite/4.1.1-8
Bas Couwenberg
- [spatialite] tag debian/4.1.1-8 created (now b09e559)
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] branch master updated (267653a -> 57b7054)
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 01/20: Add myself to Uploaders.
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 02/20: Update copyright file using copyright-format 1.0.
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 03/20: Repack upstream tarball, remove OGC test cases with unclear license.
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 04/20: Imported Upstream version 2.1.2+dfsg
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 05/20: Merge tag 'upstream/2.1.2+dfsg'
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 06/20: Update package version for repacked upstream.
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 07/20: Restructure control file with cme.
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 08/20: Use maven-repo-helper.
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 09/20: Install pom files.
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 10/20: Refresh patches.
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 11/20: Add gbp.conf to use pristine-tar by default.
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 12/20: Add lintian override for untranslatable-debconf-templates false positive.
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 13/20: Fix watch file.
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 14/20: Use upstream version without debian revision for symbols.
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] branch pristine-tar created (now e6adc7a)
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] branch upstream updated (e0c5fb3 -> 478d48e)
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 15/20: Update symbols file.
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 16/20: Add man page for raster2pgsql.
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 17/20: Bump Debhelper compatibility to 9.
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 18/20: Add partial German translation for documentation.
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 19/20: Drop unneeded substitution variable.
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 20/20: Set distribution to unstable.
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 01/01: pristine-tar data for postgis_2.1.2+dfsg.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] tag upstream/2.1.2 created (now e0c5fb3)
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] annotated tag upstream/2.1.2+dfsg created (now ecd7283)
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] tag debian/2.1.2-1 created (now 267653a)
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] branch master updated (57b7054 -> ff7523e)
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 01/01: Fix maven install.
Bas Couwenberg
- [spatialite] branch master updated (b09e559 -> f2e7d4b)
Bas Couwenberg
- [spatialite] 01/01: Only install example C files, Makefile is architecture specific. (closes: #743683)
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#743700: RFS: spatialite/4.1.1-9
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] branch master updated (ff7523e -> 88fd7a5)
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 01/01: Move mh_install* to install-indep target.
Bas Couwenberg
- [spatialite] tag debian/4.1.1-9 created (now f2e7d4b)
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] branch master updated (b90c6c3 -> 5b3ceea)
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 01/28: Change Maintainer to Debian GIS Project.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 02/28: Add myself to Uploaders.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 03/28: Fix typo in changelog.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 04/28: Restructure control file with cme, changes: Vcs-* URLs.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 05/28: Imported Upstream version 0.43.1
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 06/28: Merge tag 'upstream/0.43.1'
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 07/28: New upstream release.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 08/28: Add gbp.conf to use pristine-tar by default.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 09/28: Drop get-orig-source target, repacking no longer required.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 10/28: Remove dependencies on ant, gradle now used for build.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 11/28: Enable parallel builds.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 12/28: Refresh patches.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 13/28: Remove obsolete patches.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 14/28: Bump Debhelper compatibility to 9.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 15/28: Don't set custom CLASSPATH.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 16/28: Use dh with maven-repo-helper.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 17/28: Add build dependency on libwoodstox-java.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] branch pristine-tar updated (c6b84fa -> 667e5dd)
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 18/28: Add dependency on libnetty-java.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 19/28: Add build dependency on libjdepend-java.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 20/28: Update minimum version required.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 21/28: Add patch to use packaged libraries during build.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 22/28: Use gradle in offline mode.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 23/28: Remove generated files and directories on clean.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 24/28: Skip checkstyleMain, checkstyleTest, jdependMain, jdependTest & test tasks.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 25/28: Add build dependency on git, used by gradle build system.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 26/28: Install osmosis JARs from package directory.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 27/28: Set osmosisBuildType to RELEASE.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 28/28: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5, changes: Vcs-* fields.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] branch upstream updated (b7fba42 -> f0f4c3d)
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 01/01: pristine-tar data for osmosis_0.43.1.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] annotated tag upstream/0.43.1 created (now fb268c1)
Bas Couwenberg
- [spatialite-tools] branch master updated (b8b0b69 -> daadfc1)
Bas Couwenberg
- [spatialite-tools] 01/03: Add patch to not require an extact match between the sqlite3 header and source for spatialite to run. (closes: #743999)
Bas Couwenberg
- [spatialite-tools] 02/03: Drop lintian override for no-upstream-changelog, shouldn't override pedantic tags.
Bas Couwenberg
- [spatialite-tools] 03/03: Set distribution to unstable.
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#744083: RFS: spatialite-tools/4.1.1-4
Bas Couwenberg
- [spatialite-tools] tag debian/4.1.1-4 created (now daadfc1)
Bas Couwenberg
- [gdal-grass] tag debian/1.10.1-2 created (now 74a2782)
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] branch master updated (0d4d6eb -> 4f1f1f0)
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 01/14: Add patch to get version from changelog instead of git.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 02/14: Remove unused variables.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 03/14: Add patch from upstream master branch: 0001-Modify-the-pgsnapshot-load-script-to-more-sensible-d.patch
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 04/14: Add patch from upstream master branch: 0001-Use-ALTER-TABLE-.-CLUSTER-ON-statements-to-set-what-.patch
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 05/14: Add patch from upstream master branch: 0001-Disable-synchronous_commit-for-pgsnapshot-loading.patch
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 06/14: Add patch from upstream master branch: 0001-Manually-set-some-statistics-for-way_nodes-and-relat.patch
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 07/14: Add patch from upstream master branch: 0001-Update-list-of-expected-schema-migrations.patch
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 08/14: Add patch from upstream master branch: 0001-Fix-remaining-64-bit-id-tracking-problems.patch
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 09/14: Add patch from upstream master branch: 0001-Increase-maximum-way-node-count-from-16-bit-to-32-bi.patch
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 10/14: Add patch from upstream master branch: 0001-replication-Fix-null-pointer-exception-in-merge-repl.patch
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 11/14: Add patches from upstream master branch.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 12/14: New upstream release also closes #700311.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 13/14: Fix checkstyle and jdepend local dependencies.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 14/14: Use separate build and test targets.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] branch master updated (4f1f1f0 -> 654cbf3)
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 01/01: Non-verbose rm.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mapserver] branch master updated (f29d97c -> 2cf8f01)
Bas Couwenberg
- [mapserver] 01/02: Batchpatch symbols.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mapserver] 02/02: Set distribution to unstable.
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#744200: RFS: mapserver/6.4.1-3
Bas Couwenberg
- [mapserver] branch master updated (2cf8f01 -> 13de882)
Bas Couwenberg
- [mapserver] 01/01: Set urgency to medium.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mapserver] tag debian/6.4.1-3 created (now 13de882)
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj] branch master updated (c574204 -> 78fb359)
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj] 01/21: Merge changes from 4.8.0-2 source package.
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj] 02/21: Add myself to Uploaders.
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj] 03/21: Also install geodesic.h.
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj] 04/21: Restructure control file with cme.
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj] 05/21: Add gbp.conf to use pristine-tar by default.
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj] 06/21: Use dh-autoreconf for retooling.
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj] 07/21: Remove generated files on clean.
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj] 08/21: Remove unused substitution variable.
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj] 09/21: Bump debhelper compatibility to 9.
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj] 10/21: Use hardening build flags.
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj] 11/21: Strip debian revision symbols.
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj] branch pristine-tar created (now 9b87dab)
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj] 12/21: Empty dependency_libs in .la files.
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj] 13/21: Add patches to fix man pages issues.
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj] 14/21: Add header and refresh manpages patch.
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj] 15/21: Use build-arch and build-indep targets.
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj] 16/21: Close bug in changelog.
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj] 17/21: Also build the Java Native Interface bindings.
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj] 18/21: Update symbols for Java bindings.
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj] 19/21: Update copyright file using copyright-format 1.0.
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj] 20/21: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5, changes: Vcs-* fields, symbols, copyright.
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj] 21/21: Set distribution to experimental.
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj] 01/01: pristine-tar data for proj_4.8.0.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj] tag debian/4.8.0-2 created (now fa8ace3)
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj] branch master updated (78fb359 -> 9a96f16)
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj] 01/01: Fix copyright file.
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#744322: RFS: proj/4.8.0-3~exp1
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj] branch master updated (9a96f16 -> 26c5024)
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj] 01/01: Update watch file, handle common problems.
Bas Couwenberg
- [gis] branch master updated (44bb6e5 -> 655cc06)
Bas Couwenberg
- [gis] 01/01: Add openstreetmap-carto to osm task.
Bas Couwenberg
- [libkml] branch master updated (b56d5f0 -> b807374)
Bas Couwenberg
- [libkml] 01/07: Repack upstream tarball removing the IETF RFCs included by thirdparty uriparser documentation.
Bas Couwenberg
- [libkml] 02/07: Add gbp.conf to use pristine-tar by default.
Bas Couwenberg
- [libkml] 03/07: Imported Upstream version 1.3.0~r864+dfsg
Bas Couwenberg
- [libkml] 04/07: Merge tag 'upstream/1.3.0_r864+dfsg'
Bas Couwenberg
- [libkml] 05/07: Enable parallel builds.
Bas Couwenberg
- [libkml] branch upstream updated (938dec1 -> 958c9b2)
Bas Couwenberg
- [libkml] branch pristine-tar updated (cfac0a4 -> f252c80)
Bas Couwenberg
- [libkml] 06/07: Close bug in changelog.
Bas Couwenberg
- [libkml] 07/07: Set distribution to unstable.
Bas Couwenberg
- [libkml] 01/01: pristine-tar data for libkml_1.3.0~r864+dfsg.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [libkml] annotated tag upstream/1.3.0_r864+dfsg created (now 11a3b17)
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#745510: RFS: libkml/1.3.0~r864+dfsg-1 [RC]
Bas Couwenberg
- [libkml] tag debian/1.3.0.r864+dfsg-1 created (now b807374)
Bas Couwenberg
- [geos] branch master updated (9070d7f -> 49ff4d2)
Bas Couwenberg
- [geos] 01/03: Do run tests, but don't fail build on troublesome architectures. (closes: #743822)
Bas Couwenberg
- [geos] 02/03: Add patch to support Ruby 2.x.
Bas Couwenberg
- [geos] 03/03: Set distribution to unstable.
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#745863: RFS: geos/3.4.2-5
Bas Couwenberg
- [geos] tag debian/3.4.2-5 created (now 49ff4d2)
Bas Couwenberg
- [mapserver] branch master updated (13de882 -> 57b868b)
Bas Couwenberg
- [mapserver] 01/02: Add patch to support building mapscript for PHP 5.6.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mapserver] 02/02: Set distribution to unstable.
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#746465: RFS: mapserver/6.4.1-4
Bas Couwenberg
- [mapserver] tag debian/6.4.1-4 created (now 57b868b)
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] branch master updated (a8a8163 -> 2775c83)
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] 01/11: Add myself to Uploaders.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] 02/11: Add gbp.conf to use pristine-tar by default.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] 03/11: Imported Upstream version 0.84.0
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] 04/11: Merge tag 'upstream/0.84.0'
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] 05/11: Add wildcmp.c copyright separately.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] 06/11: New upstream release.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] 07/11: Refresh patches.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] 08/11: Drop get-orig-source target, upstream moved from OSM SVN to GitHub.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] 09/11: Add build dependency on liblua5.2-dev and lua5.2.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] 10/11: Append CPPFLAGS to CFLAGS & CXXFLAGS to use -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] 11/11: Add patch to fix hyphen-used-as-minus-sign warnings.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] branch pristine-tar updated (02a27fb -> d28ec07)
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] branch upstream updated (49aee0f -> bc5a886)
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] 01/01: pristine-tar data for osm2pgsql_0.84.0.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] annotated tag upstream/0.84.0 created (now a6a0b85)
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] branch master updated (2775c83 -> 3a1ef6a)
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] 01/02: Add patch to fix spelling-error-in-manpage warning.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] 02/02: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5, no changes.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] branch master updated (3a1ef6a -> 99065ae)
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] 01/01: Enable parallel builds.
Bas Couwenberg
- postgis backport for wheezy
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- Bug#743489: license issues
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- Bug#743489: license issues
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- Bug#743489: license issues
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- Bug#743683: libspatialite5: arch-dependent file in "Multi-Arch: same" package
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- Bug#743489: license issues
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- Bug#743489: license issues
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- Bug#743489: license issues
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- [postgis] 01/01: * Allow translations of the debconf notice for postgis-2.0 deprecation. * Add a German translation. * Downgrade package priority to extra.
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- [postgis] 01/01: * Allow translations of the debconf notice for postgis-2.0 deprecation. * Add a German translation. * Downgrade package priority to extra.
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- Bug#743999: spatialite-bin: spatialite fails to start
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- Bug#407175: "proj +proj=list" does not work
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- Bug#745403: [src:libkml] Source package contains non-free IETF RFC/I-D
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- Bug#745600: src:mapserver: FTBFS with PHP 5.6
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- Bug#745858: proj: please use dh-autoreconf to enable ppc64el
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- Bug#745600: src:mapserver: FTBFS with PHP 5.6
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- Bug#746214: hdf5: build with openmpi on mips/mipsel
Julien Cristau
- Bug#746214: hdf5: diff for NMU version 1.8.12+docs-1.1
Julien Cristau
- Bug#746214: hdf5: diff for NMU version 1.8.12+docs-1.1
Julien Cristau
- postgis backport for wheezy
William Dauchy
- Postgis and Rails 4 error
Jake O'brien Fagan
- Bug#746214: hdf5: diff for NMU version 1.8.12+docs-1.1
Gilles Filippini
- Bug#746214: hdf5: diff for NMU version 1.8.12+docs-1.1
Gilles Filippini
- Bug#745858: proj: please use dh-autoreconf to enable ppc64el
Fernando Seiti Furusato
- [tilemill] branch master updated (7137c89 -> 7952970)
Ross Gammon
- [tilemill] 01/04: Remove node-bones from dependencies
Ross Gammon
- [tilemill] 02/04: Include node-bones from upstream
Ross Gammon
- [tilemill] 03/04: Include debian files from upstream ppa
Ross Gammon
- [tilemill] 04/04: Update to-do list
Ross Gammon
- Product Request
Jon Gavino
- Bug#744804: FTBFS: ruby-mapscript missing files (usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/*/*/mapscript.so)
Christian Hofstaedtler
- Bug#743822: don't just skip test, but run these and ignore the test result
Matthias Klose
- Bug#744476: nco: run dh-autoreconf to update config.{sub, guess} and {libtool, aclocal}.m4
Matthias Klose
- Bug#744613: libhdf4: run dh-autoreconf to update config.{sub, guess} and {libtool, aclocal}.m4
Matthias Klose
- Bug#744648: postgis: run dh-autoreconf to update config.{sub, guess} and {libtool, aclocal}.m4
Matthias Klose
- Bug#744648: closed by Markus Wanner <markus at bluegap.ch> (Re: Bug#744648: postgis: run dh-autoreconf to update config.{sub, guess} and {libtool, aclocal}.m4)
Matthias Klose
- Bug#744648:
Matthias Klose
- Bug#744648:
Matthias Klose
- Bug#744268: postgis: [INTL:ru] Russian debconf templates translation
Yuri Kozlov
- Bug#745068: [INTL:pl] Polish debconf translation
Michał Kułach
- [mapnik] branch master updated (e9bbb3c -> 9a0e75b)
Jérémy Lal
- [mapnik] 01/06: Add 1002 patch - backport attempt to reduce compilation memory usage
Jérémy Lal
- [mapnik] 02/06: Refresh patch
Jérémy Lal
- [mapnik] 03/06: Apply 1002 patch
Jérémy Lal
- [mapnik] 04/06: Update changelog
Jérémy Lal
- [mapnik] 05/06: Update 1002 patch to fix compilation of simple.cpp
Jérémy Lal
- [mapnik] 06/06: Update changelog
Jérémy Lal
- Bug#742149: mapnik: FTBFS on mipsen (virtual memory exhausted)
Jérémy Lal
- [mapnik] branch master updated (9a0e75b -> ea0474e)
Jérémy Lal
- [mapnik] 01/10: Disable debugging symbols to reduce memory usage
Jérémy Lal
- [mapnik] 02/10: Fix building of multiple python versions using scons -C
Jérémy Lal
- [mapnik] 03/10: Use Files-Excluded in copyright instead of having two places for that
Jérémy Lal
- [mapnik] 04/10: Add courtesy section for the technique taken from fife package
Jérémy Lal
- [mapnik] 05/10: Transitionnal packages should have priority extra
Jérémy Lal
- [mapnik] 06/10: Remove useless get-orig-source code, uscan uses Files-Excluded to do that
Jérémy Lal
- [mapnik] 07/10: Remove EOL whitespaces
Jérémy Lal
- [mapnik] 08/10: Standards-Version 3.9.5
Jérémy Lal
- [mapnik] 09/10: Watch directly github
Jérémy Lal
- [mapnik] 10/10: Update changelog
Jérémy Lal
- [mapnik] annotated tag debian/2.2.0+ds1-7 created (now 09b72e3)
Jérémy Lal
- Bug#744963: hdf5: Enable ppc64el architecture
Breno Leitao
- Bug#733387: Intent to NMU
Margarita Manterola
- Processing of postgis_2.1.2-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- postgis_2.1.2-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of gdal_1.10.1+dfsg-5_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of gdal_1.10.1+dfsg-5_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- gdal_1.10.1+dfsg-5_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- postgis_2.1.2-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of spatialite_4.1.1-7_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- spatialite_4.1.1-7_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of spatialite_4.1.1-8_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- spatialite_4.1.1-8_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of spatialite_4.1.1-9_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- spatialite_4.1.1-9_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of mapnik_2.2.0+ds1-7_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- mapnik_2.2.0+ds1-7_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of postgis_2.1.2+dfsg-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- postgis_2.1.2+dfsg-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of postgis_2.1.2+dfsg-2_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- postgis_2.1.2+dfsg-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of spatialite-tools_4.1.1-4_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- spatialite-tools_4.1.1-4_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of libgdal-grass_1.10.1-2_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- libgdal-grass_1.10.1-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of mapserver_6.4.1-3_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- mapserver_6.4.1-3_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of proj_4.8.0-3~exp1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- proj_4.8.0-3~exp1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- mapserver_6.4.1-3_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of libkml_1.3.0~r864+dfsg-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- libkml_1.3.0~r864+dfsg-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of ogdi-dfsg_3.2.0~beta2-7.1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of geos_3.4.2-5_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- geos_3.4.2-5_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- ogdi-dfsg_3.2.0~beta2-7.1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- proj_4.8.0-3~exp1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental, experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of hdf5_1.8.12+docs-1.1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- hdf5_1.8.12+docs-1.1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of mapserver_6.4.1-4_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- mapserver_6.4.1-4_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#745148: postgis: [INTL:pt] Portuguese translation for debconf messages
Américo Monteiro
- Le meilleur de la Côte Atlantique avec Ouest Immobilier Neuf
Ouest Immobilier Neuf
- Bug#744749: postgis: French debconf templates translation
Julien Patriarca
- Bug#745403: [src:libkml] Source package contains non-free IETF RFC/I-D
- [routino] branch master updated (fed661f -> ecfd2cc)
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] 01/13: Imported Upstream version 2.4.1
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] 02/13: Merge tag 'upstream/2.4.1'
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] 03/13: - new release 2.4.1
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] 04/13: Imported Upstream version 2.7
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] 05/13: Merge tag 'upstream/2.7'
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] 06/13: adopt to apache 2.4
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] 07/13: depend on apache2 | httpd
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] 08/13: add new patches and update old ones
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] 09/13: replace etc/apache2/conf.d by etc/routino-www
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] 10/13: add configuration for avahi and freedesktop
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] 11/13: install apache, freedesktop, avahi config
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] 12/13: install new configuration files
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] 13/13: new version 2.7
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] branch upstream updated (72fc36c -> 2e74f67)
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] branch master updated (ecfd2cc -> d64d675)
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] 01/02: more renaming in src/test/Makefile
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] 02/02: add libbz2-dev to Build-Depend
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] branch master updated (d64d675 -> 35f6657)
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] 01/02: push standards version to 3.9.5
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] 02/02: more changes for 2.7
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] branch master updated (35f6657 -> cc44ea0)
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] 01/05: fixed nasty typo in date
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] 02/05: note about changes in data file format
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] 03/05: allow access to routino-www from localhost
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] 04/05: change name
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] 05/05: set center of map
Uwe Steinmann
- Bug#745010: src:postgis: please update build-depends from libjson0-dev to libjson-c-dev
Ondřej Surý
- Bug#745600: src:mapserver: FTBFS with PHP 5.6
Ondřej Surý
- Bug#728724: marked as done (postgis: segmentation fault in ST_GeomFromGeoJSON with empty list of coordinates)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#737497: marked as done (postgis: Please add dependency “Suggests: =?UTF-8?Q?postgis-doc=E2=80=9D?=)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: tagging #742332 as pending
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#743489: license issues
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#743683: libspatialite5: arch-dependent file in "Multi-Arch: same" package
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#743683: marked as done (libspatialite5: arch-dependent file in "Multi-Arch: same" package)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#742149: marked as done (mapnik: FTBFS on mipsen (virtual memory exhausted))
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#717307: marked as done (raster2pgsql missing manpage)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#729284: marked as done (postgis: [INTL:de] German po4a translation)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#743489: marked as done (license issues)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#743999: spatialite-bin: spatialite fails to start
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#743999: marked as done (spatialite-bin: spatialite fails to start)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: "proj +proj=list" does not work
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed (with 1 errors): Re: Bug#744648: postgis: run dh-autoreconf to update config.{sub, guess} and {libtool, aclocal}.m4
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#744648: marked as done (postgis: run dh-autoreconf to update config.{sub,guess} and {libtool,aclocal}.m4)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#740351: marked as done (mapserver: Please enable mapscript java bindings)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed (with 1 errors): Re: Bug#744648 closed by Markus Wanner <markus at bluegap.ch> (Re: Bug#744648: postgis: run dh-autoreconf to update config.{sub, guess} and {libtool, aclocal}.m4)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#744804: marked as done (FTBFS: ruby-mapscript missing files (usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/*/*/mapscript.so))
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Fix in mapserver/6.4.1-3
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: your mail
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#744648
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#744648
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#745403: [src:libkml] Source package contains non-free IETF RFC/I-D
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#745403: marked as done ([src:libkml] Source package contains non-free IETF RFC/I-D)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: block 745603 with 745600 745598 745599 745602 745601
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#745600: src:mapserver: FTBFS with PHP 5.6
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#745858: proj: please use dh-autoreconf to enable ppc64el
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Processed: Re: Bug#745858: proj: please use dh-autoreconf to enable ppc64el
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#743822: marked as done (don't just skip test, but run these and ignore the test result)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#674214: marked as done (gpsdrive-scripts: not installable in sid)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#733387: marked as done (ogdi-dfsg: FTBFS: ../dtusa.c:127:5: error: too few arguments to function 'nad_init')
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#293803: marked as done (proj: please provide java binding)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#703006: marked as done (proj: FTBFS on x32: Needs libtool update)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: hdf5: diff for NMU version 1.8.12+docs-1.1
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#746214: marked as done (hdf5: build with openmpi on mips/mipsel)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: src:mapserver: FTBFS with PHP 5.6
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#745600: marked as done (src:mapserver: FTBFS with PHP 5.6)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#580170: marked as done (New upstream version (r2277))
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [gis] branch master updated (655cc06 -> 2927d2d)
Andreas Tille
- [gis] 01/01: add routino-www
Andreas Tille
- [osmosis] branch master updated (5b3ceea -> 0d4d6eb)
Jochen Topf
- [osmosis] 01/02: Fixed CRLF line endings in debian/log4j.properties.
Jochen Topf
- [osmosis] 02/02: Updated manual page provided by Debian.
Jochen Topf
- [osm2pgsql] branch master updated (99065ae -> 07e1d72)
Jochen Topf
- [osm2pgsql] 01/01: Remove Suggests: josm, gosmore.
Jochen Topf
- nick berberian sent you an invitation
nick berberian (via Twitter)
- [epr-api] branch master updated (501a996 -> c77bbe1)
Antonio Valentino
- [epr-api] 01/01: Fixed libepr-api-dev dependencies
Antonio Valentino
- postgis backport for wheezy
Markus Wanner
- Bug#743489: license issues
Markus Wanner
- [postgis] branch master updated (88fd7a5 -> c2ee813)
Markus Wanner
- [postgis] 01/02: Revert 989425 and 34c838.
Markus Wanner
- [postgis] 02/02: Fix a spelling mistake in the copyright file.
Markus Wanner
- Bug#743489: license issues
Markus Wanner
- Bug#743489: license issues
Markus Wanner
- [postgis] branch master updated (c2ee813 -> 3bc6f23)
Markus Wanner
- [postgis] 01/01: Correct debhelper dependency version to match debian/compat, spotted by Sebastiaan Couwenberg.
Markus Wanner
- Bug#743489: license issues
Markus Wanner
- [postgis] tag debian/postgis-2.1.2+dfsg-1 created (now 3bc6f23)
Markus Wanner
- [postgis] branch master updated (3bc6f23 -> 7ed8414)
Markus Wanner
- [postgis] tag debian/postgis-2.1.2+dfsg-2 created (now 7ed8414)
Markus Wanner
- [postgis] 01/01: Move the maven-repo-helper back to Build-Depends.
Markus Wanner
- Bug#743489: license issues
Markus Wanner
- Bug#743489: license issues
Markus Wanner
- [postgis] branch master updated (7ed8414 -> 2a7a84a)
Markus Wanner
- [postgis] 01/01: * Allow translations of the debconf notice for postgis-2.0 deprecation. * Add a German translation. * Downgrade package priority to extra.
Markus Wanner
- [postgis] 01/01: * Allow translations of the debconf notice for postgis-2.0 deprecation. * Add a German translation. * Downgrade package priority to extra.
Markus Wanner
- [postgis] branch master updated (2a7a84a -> 75efba0)
Markus Wanner
- [postgis] 01/01: Revert to priority optional, as discussed on the pkg-grass ML.
Markus Wanner
- [postgis] 01/01: * Allow translations of the debconf notice for postgis-2.0 deprecation. * Add a German translation. * Downgrade package priority to extra.
Markus Wanner
- [postgis] branch master updated (75efba0 -> cee1de2)
Markus Wanner
- [postgis] 01/01: Add a Russian translation by Yuri Kozlov.
Markus Wanner
- Bug#744648: postgis: run dh-autoreconf to update config.{sub, guess} and {libtool, aclocal}.m4
Markus Wanner
- Bug#744268: postgis: [INTL:ru] Russian debconf templates translation
Markus Wanner
- [postgis] branch master updated (cee1de2 -> 65f0671)
Markus Wanner
- [postgis] 01/01: Add a French translation by Julien Patriarca.
Markus Wanner
- Bug#744749: postgis: French debconf templates translation
Markus Wanner
- [postgis] branch master updated (65f0671 -> ddf0f58)
Markus Wanner
- [postgis] 01/01: Revert unintended changes against upstream.
Markus Wanner
- Bug#744648:
Markus Wanner
- Bug#744648:
Markus Wanner
- [postgis] branch master updated (ddf0f58 -> 747abd4)
Markus Wanner
- [postgis] 01/01: Also use dh-autoreconf to update libtool.m4. Closes: #744648.
Markus Wanner
- Bug#744648:
Markus Wanner
- Bug#743683: libspatialite5: arch-dependent file in "Multi-Arch: same" package
Jakub Wilk
- r3141 - packages/mbsystem/trunk/debian
hamish-guest at alioth.debian.org
- r3142 - packages/mbsystem/trunk/debian
hamish-guest at alioth.debian.org
- Bug#743999: spatialite-bin: spatialite fails to start
- Bradesco S.A - Cancelamento de sua Conta.
pkg-grass-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org
- mapnik is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- mapnik-vector-tile is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- tilelite is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- nco 4.4.2-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- osgearth 2.5.0+dfsg-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- shapelib 1.3.0-3 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- librasterlite 1.1g-4 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- pyspatialite 3.0.1-6 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- qgis 2.2.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- spatialite 4.1.1-6 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- spatialite-gui 1.7.1-3 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- spatialite-tools 4.1.1-3 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- gdal 1.10.1+dfsg-5 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- spatialite 4.1.1-9 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mapnik 2.2.0+ds1-7 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- postgis 2.1.2+dfsg-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- libgdal-grass 1.10.1-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- spatialite-tools 4.1.1-4 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mapserver 6.4.1-3 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- libkml 1.3.0~r864+dfsg-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- GPS tracker with battery life of 1 year与您共享了相册。
GPS tracker with battery life of 1 year
- 이종철 월 65만원에 계약직으로 입사원합니다.
Last message date:
Wed Apr 30 19:39:05 UTC 2014
Archived on: Wed Apr 30 19:39:29 UTC 2014
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).